Visual Calendars Rock
In my recent post “Where the Wild Kids Are,” I discussed my how I equip myself for life with a super-active child. A visual calendar is another essential in our household. I bought this set of SchKIDules magnets with pictures of all of our common daily activities: I then bought several portable, magnetic dry-erase boards…
What’s in your boots?
This morning as my son was putting his rain boots on, he stopped abruptly. “There’s something in my boot.” I picked up the boot and turned it over, expecting to find a rock. Instead, four cherry tomatoes rolled onto the floor. I picked one off of the ground and saw that it was moldy. “Did…
How to become your child’s hero
What have I done to become a hero to my son? It’s nothing I ever imagined. I thought he hear me in a concert and think how cool it was to have a musician-mom. Or he would see me running a marathon and say, “That’s my mom!” But be has watched those things for his…
The Evel Empire
“Mom, was Evel Knievel one of the bad guys in the Star Wars movies?” “Not yet, but THAT’S a movie I wanna see….”
Wa Condo Forever
Scott Discussing Vacation: “I can’t wait to stay in a condo… That’s where Black Panther lives!” [Who am I to argue? Maybe he will turn out to be right…]
The Big Question…
“Mom, why is it just you in my family?” my son asked. We were standing in our kitchen and he was asking the question I’ve both dreaded and prepared for since before he was born: “Why don’t I have a……” My brain reeled. I always thought that I would have formulated a better answer before…
Mom Flies Solo’s Caption Contest
And the winner is…….(drumroll please) “Follow Me for More Fitness Tips!“ Congratulations to Mary Beth Wilhelm Lock and thanks to all who submitted and voted! Mary Beth will get a Mom Flies Solo magnet to add to her growing collection of MFS Swag. Here is a recent photo she sent of her laptop. I ❤️…
If We Told the Truth in Online Dating…
My Sleeping Angel
Statistics on Chocolate
January 2nd, 2023 I just read research that shows that 18% of consumers state that they eat chocolate at least once a day. I was completely shocked by this statistic! It means that 82% of people are complete liars. Share if you are part of the 18%. Use the hashtag #Wearetheeighteen