Tag: single parent

  • Scott Snippets: Pint-Sized Humor

    As Heard at the Splash Pad 8/1/2022 “Slow down, Scott! Please walk!” CRASH! He runs straight into a child. They both cry a bit, and Scott gets up and starts running again. “Please keep it slow, son! Let’s see how slow you can go!” CRASH! Into another child. “How many times are you going to…

  • The True Cost of that Free Phone

    July 27, 2022 I often hear it said that every project costs twice as much and takes twice as long as estimated. Sometimes that is an understatement. Recently I was tempted by a cell phone carrier advertising better coverage than my previous one. I was generally satisfied with my previous carrier, but calls dropped every…

  • Adventures of a Single Parent: Online Dating (Part 2)

    July 20, 2022 When last we left in Adventures of a Sole Parent: Online Dating (Part 1), I had just rebuilt my Binge profile mere weeks after having vowed never to date online again. That was Day 143… Day 232 I’ve paused Binge in frustration more times than I can count.  I’ve unpaused Binge in…

  • Shavin’ your What?

    July 19, 2022 Now that he is four, Scott considers himself a big kid. He does the things that big kids do and has a nonchalant, big kid voice that he uses while doing them. He knows shaving is something grownups do, and that it involves smearing foam on one’s face. Which he loves to…

  • Adventures of a Single Parent: Online Dating (Part 1)

    July 18, 2022 Last night, a friend grabbed a beer, pulled up a chair and asked for my latest online-dating (horror) stories. “I’m finished with that!” I exclaimed. My married friends have been glued to my cyberspace misadventures like the latest reality TV show. I credit myself with having saved marriages. My experiences do not…